Scotlandwell wash house

Welcome to the Home Page for the Scotlandwell Wash House and Well Project.  Here you can learn about the Project, where and what it is, why it is necessary, and what benefits the community will gain from it.

We are volunteers working together to conserve and re-use the historic Wash   House at the centre of our village, Scotlandwell, near Loch Leven in Kinross-shire.   The Wash House and Well are central to the history of our village which, of course, takes its name from the Well.

We came together because we want to Save Scotlandwell’s Wash House for this and future generations to use.

The Wash House has not been used since the 1960’s and was in very poor condition. However it can easily be repaired and put to good use to benefit our community. We plan to use it for community events, display it to visitors  and care for it, together with the Well. We have raised substantial funds locally, and have now secured funding to cover the entire renovation project for the Wash House and Well.  The construction work involved in restoring the wash house and well has now been completed.  We still need your help and support please so please read   on and find out more about what we are doing and how you can get involved


The Wash House today

This shows the Wash House as it was in 1983.  The chimney stacks were later removed as a safety measure.

We are very grateful for the financial support of Scotlandwell in Bloom, The Take a Pride in Perthshire Association, Perth and Kinross Rural Initiatives Fund and Rural Tayside LEADER who awarded funding to allow us to develop our project and begin capital fund raising.


A Leaflet setting out some of the information shown on this site, and some additional local information can be downloaded by clicking on this link.  This can then be printed at A4

Scotlandwell Slideshow

A brief slide show depicting the recent history of Scotlandwell can be seen on the “Scotlandwell Slideshow” page.  Click HERE to go to the slide show

Scotlandwell Wash House Teachers’ Resource Pack

Perth and Kinross teachers can access our comprehensive resource pack on GLOW.
Click on the tab for “Groups”. Then click on the link to “Growing up with Loch Leven”.


Without whose support this project would not have been possible

We are volunteers working together to conserve and re-use the historic Wash House at the centre of our village, Scotlandwell, near Loch Leven in Kinross-shire. The Wash House and Well are central to the history of our village which, of course, takes its name from the Well.