Preliminary Stage
From the project inception in November 2010, the necessary preliminary stages have been progressed to the extent that, at May 2011, the situation was as follows:-
- A project management team has been formed
- A Project Brief has been finalised.
- Local Fund Raising has allowed the Project to proceed during this phase.
- A Design Team has been selected via a tender competition, and is appointed.
- Consultation with local the local school has progressed so as to discuss their input and the ways in which they may participate in the Project, and gain from use of the completed facility.
- Local information is being gathered to form part of the information for any display material.
- Preliminary drawings and specifications are prepared.
- A Project Cost Plan is in place.
- Initial fund raising has begun.
- Communications within the Team has been established via an e-mail site, and a web site has been established.
Progress from May 2011 to April 2012
Since this time, good progress has been made in a variety of areas.
Funding for the Project has been secured, so that it is now possible to move forward to the selection and appointment of a contractor. An advertisement requesting notice of interest from potentail tenderers, has been published in the Press.
Tender drawings and documents are in the process of being prepared.
The preparation of a “memory bank” has been progressed, and liaison has continued with local schools to develop teaching opportunities associated with the Project.
After preliminary input from the project team, class teacher, Helen Black, developed a resource pack comprised of teaching plans and related worksheets containing suggestions for a wide range of educational experiences which support a Curriculum for Excellence. The pack was piloted with her Primary seven class in the autumn term (2011).
The culmination of the term’s work and the highlight of the topic was the making of a short film ‘A Well in Time’ written, acted and shot on location in Scotlandwell by Mrs Black and her class. The children took on roles of characters who have featured in the history of the Wash House. The edited version was screened to a highly appreciative audience of parents and a representative of the project team.
Such was the success of this topic that Perth and Kinross Council deemed it to be an example of good practice which should be shared nationally. Consequently, Mrs Black and her Head Teacher colleague, Louise Gordon, were invited to present the project to senior educational officers, as well as representatives of environmental and heritage groups, at the Scottish Outdoor Learning Conference in Stirling in March.
During the summer term (2012) some further pieces of historical evidence will be added to the resource pack and an information leaflet for other local schools will be developed. To coincide with the opening of the restored building, the finalised resource pack will be made available to all schools by being uploaded to GLOW, the Scottish Schools’ Intranet.
With the help of local councillor Willie Robertson, the descendants of the owners of Well Road have been traced. This represents a considerable step forward in terms of an eventual resolution of the problems with the state of the road, which continues to deteriorate. The descendants, whi now live in Canada, are now to be contacted by Scotlandwell in Bloom and the residents of Well Road to determine whether their is the possibility of a transfer of titile that could then lead to unlocking funding for its repair.
Overall Project Programme/Progress
As of the beginning of May 2012, tender information for the construction works is well advanced, with Bills of Quantities and Preliminaries documents being prepared.
Building Warrant Application is to be made on the 18th May, with a decision expected by 1st. June.
Revised target dates, for the tender period and construction works, are now :-
Issue of Tenders – w/e. 1st. June 2012, for return by the 22nd., and an appointment by w/e. 6th. July
Beginning of Construction Work – 23rd. July 2012
Project Completion (Construction Work) – w/e. 23rd. November 2012
Progress On Site
Beveridge Builders of Perth were appointed as Main Contractor in July after a close fought tender competition.
A start up meeting was held at the end of July, and work was planned to start on site on the 30th July, for completion in October.
Construction progress was monitored, and you can see how the project progressed by looking on the page entitled Construction Progress
The construction progress also shows the completed project